Here are some guidelines to start with if you'd like to host your own meeting.
If you have any questions, or would like to learn more about having Sumi Ink Club design or facilitate a project,
get in touch!
- meetings are free and open to the public of all ages
- everyone uses the same materials (same-sized brushes, and same color ink, for example)
- don’t dilute the ink, blackest black is best
- everyone works on the same drawing surface
- anyone can add to anyone else’s drawing
- move around the drawing, don’t get stuck in one spot
- everyone agrees when the drawing is finished
Each physical drawing (the piece of paper / wall / window, etc) remains the shared property of everyone who contributed to its making, to do with as they please.
All images of drawings made by Sumi Ink Club belong
to the public domain, and can be freely used in any way by anyone – to print a zine, create designs, or to share online – there is no limit to how you can use the drawings you have made together (
browse the sumi archives for inspirations).